Introducing the True Shine Memphis Blog

We’re very excited to announce the brand-new True Shine Blog! This Pulitzer-worthy True Shine logo blog imagejournalism will keep you in the loop on all the cool additions and jobs we’re doing in 2017. Every month from here on out you can expect to get our expert insights on everything from cleaning hacks to home maintenance pointers, including some sneak-peeks under the True Shine hood.

Welcome to our first post!

But…WHY Are WE Blogging?

We asked ourselves the same question, because we figure you don’t really care to read about window cleaning or pressure washing. But that’s good, because window cleaning is a small part of what we do for our customers (and an even smaller part of what we do in our free time). We’re citizens of Chattanooga, and we love this town.

Since we opened our doors in 1999, we’ve learned quite a bit. And this is one way we can give back to you, the community, and world around us. Sometimes it’ll be humorous, other times it’ll be serious, and still other times it will be both. Either way, our goal is to lend our insights on all sorts of issues homeowners face on a regular basis, and the best part? Anyone from anywhere will be able to read, learn, and implement ways to streamline and simplify their awesome journey through homeownership.

Most Importantly…

We want to make ourselves accessible to you, our friends and customers. The voice behind these words is me, Josh, and I ran True Shine with Stephanie (who many of you have spoken to many, many times) for nearly 5 years. I still miss True Shine, so Brandt (owner extraordinaire) has given me the honor of entering this dialogue with you. I’m available for your questions should you need anything. Just shoot us an email here.

In the meantime…

Get Ready For:

  • Customer Highlights
  • To Paint or Not to Paint? (You Should Probably Just Clean)
  • Franchises vs. Local Businesses – What You Need to Know
  • 5 Local Service Companies We Recommend
  • 4 Ways to Protect Your Windows when Building or Remodeling
  • Employee Highlights
  • What the Heck is ‘Pure Water’?
  • DIY Hard Water Removal for Shower Glass and more
  • And much, much more.